NCLEX Success Coaching Program

The national pass rate for RN candidates taking the NCLEX for the second time = 37.7%. With the pass rate decreasing with each subsequent attempt.
The pass rate for RN candidates taking the NCLEX for the second time after completing Dr. B.’s NCLEX Success Coaching Program™ = 94%
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for an RN is approximately $71,700.
Do not miss out on nearly two months of salary ($9,000-$16,000) because you need to retake the exam.
“After taking the NCLEX twice and not passing, something needed to change. I signed up for the NCLEX Success Coaching Program and this time I passed in 75 questions.”
~ Aimee Mayer BSN, RN
You’ve done the time. You’ve worked harder than you ever imagined. And you’ve paid the tuition (a lot of it!) to earn your degree.
Now the only thing standing in your way of:
earning the coveted title of RN and the salary to pay those loans back
nailing down the job of your dreams
and boosting your confidence that you really ARE prepared to practice nursing
is having a license to practice.
To get that license, though, you must first pass the NCLEX.
Pesky little problem. RIGHT?

If you’re anything like the hundreds of students I’ve taught,
Here’s the real problem:
You don’t have a step-by-step study plan.
You fear that you won’t be successful.
And no one around you understands how difficult this is.
No one gets how hard nor how frightening it is to prepare and sit for a licensure exam.
You may have supportive people in your life. But you feel lost trying to take on this Goliath of an exam. (Okay, you’re right, that’s more than one problem. But you get the picture.)
You took an NCLEX prep course and they taught you a decision tree.
You’re working through practice problems. And you still have questions (because the decision tree doesn’t work in all scenarios).
It can feel isolating.
There is another way ...

Although the programs on the market allow students access to thousands of NCLEX-like questions, none provide a person to guide you and most importantly, root for you. Dr. B encouraged me to critically think and gave me the motivation to tackle the NCLEX. I don’t think that the other programs on the market provide this. The mindset strategies are an important part of this program that absolutely no other program offers. Throughout the program, I always had a positive outlook on life, and never doubted myself. This was a reflection of Dr. B’s mindset strategies and allowed me to stay focused and motivated.Jenna Dooley BSN, RN
A coach who gets jacked up thinking about what she can do to help you.
A coach you can turn to for help when you keep finding yourself stuck between 2 answers.
You keep changing your answers. You are anxious out of your mind….
A coach who has been through the process herself.
A coach who has taught hundreds of students to do the same.
A coach who believes in your success and will create an individualized preparation and practice plan.
A coach who has created NCLEX Test Strategies and NCLEX Master Your Mindset Private Podcasts for you.
That would be
AWESOME, right?
I created the
NCLEX Success Coaching Program™
for these very reasons.
A revolutionary program designed to prepare you for exam day.

Designed to decrease your anxiety, boost your confidence, and increase your competence to pass the NCLEX.
The research is clear. We know that uncontrolled anxiety is debilitating to learning AND testing. No duh, right?
Imagine exam day. You’re sitting at the computer. When the screen comes on and it’s go time, you want to be confident with just a bitty buzz of anxiety to foster peak performance. You DON’T want to be completely debilitated. Together, we’ll work on your thinking and your mindset. We’ll level out your anxiety and your doubts. Your competence at test taking will soar when your thinking is clear. This is what makes the NCLEX Success Coaching Program one-of-a-kind.
And we couldn’t be more stoked about it.
Developed using the evidence from cognitive psychology, NCLEX testing, and mindset research.
This isn’t a willy-nilly program. You know, one of those, “let’s throw this at them and see if it helps.” This program was developed using best practice evidence. That’s our jam. We’re nurse scientists.:) In fact, Dr. B. used some of her own research findings to develop this program.
We’ve been studying and conducting research about teaching and learning for more than a decade. You’ll have the skills needed to pass the NCLEX. But the coolest part is that it doesn’t end there. These are skills that you can pull out of your pocket forever. Skills for the stressful times you’ll face as a nurse.
This is what we do.

Increased accountability, keeping you focused and motivated toward preparing for the most important test you will take.
We work harder and steadier when we’re held accountable for the work we accomplish. Right?
Have you ever put off writing a paper or studying for a test until the last possible moment? And the only reason you finished on time was because your teacher assigned a due date. You see, when you’re by yourself, left to your own devices, it’s all too easy to say, “I’ll practice tomorrow.” (Been there. Done that.) No one will know anyway, right?
A supportive, accountability coach will keep you on target. You coach will help you stay focused. Help you keep your eye on the prize. Your coach will be that person who cheers for your successes and boosts you up when you trip and fall.
Tailored to meet your individual learning needs.
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of program. We all have different learning needs. We all have various strengths, limitations, and barriers. Our systems to get to know yours. We’ll account for them when designing your study plan.

“I took Kaplan NCLEX prep and thought that I had done everything I could do to pass on the first try, but sadly that wasn’t enough. I didn’t pass my first attempt. I then signed up for Dr. B.’s NCLEX Success Coaching program because I knew I needed to pass this test.
Five words for you: Best. Decision. Of. My. Life. – for my nursing career that is! I am so happy I made the decision to go with Dr. B.’s program! I wish I had done it the first time around. Her energy, love, and passion for teaching, as well as her clients’ success, are unreal!
Seeing the words ‘Fail’ in my NCLEX results really got me down and questioning things, but Dr. B helped build me back up. She had the faith in me that I needed, straightforward and attainable.
Dr. B. gave me the motivation, the confidence, and the right skills to pass the NCLEX!”
~ Stef McKelvey BSN, RN

This is an individualized, flexible program. You choose your start date!
When you sign up for membership in the program, you’ll receive a welcome email with directions about next steps.
You’ll then download action packs that include worksheets, checklists, and spreadsheets designed to move you smoothly through the program. Explicit week-by-week directions are included in the action pack.
After signing the NCLEX Success Coaching Program™ Agreement, you’ll have a coaching call where you and your coach will discuss a study plan designed specifically for you (and this includes weekly individual coaching calls).

The program includes:
An NCLEX Success Action Pack.
An evidence-based NCLEX success plan.
NCLEX Test-Taking Strategies Private Podcast to walk you through the PRECISE test-taking strategies you need to knock out the NCLEX. (Just open your phone and you can listen and learn on the go. How cool is that?)
NCLEX Mindset Mastery Private Podcast to listen and practice at your leisure.
A guide to support better thoughts that lead to better outcomes.
A Roadmap to NCLEX Success Progress Form to track your progress, trends, gaps, and successes.
Guidebooks that include study tips, which concepts to memorize, important growth and development milestones and more.
Individualized coaching calls every week.
Weekly coaching accountability support.
Plus more..
What questions do you have about the program?
Set up a *Getting to Know You* call and let’s chat.
An Accountability Coach is Key
Yep. That’s what we thought.
How did we know you were going to say that? Because we’ve been there. We did it too.
It’s human nature.
“Dr B. did a fantastic job preparing me for the NCLEX and I passed with 75 questions on my first attempt! Her teaching style really helped me understand the questions better and made me realize that just knowing the material isn’t everything but that knowing how to answer the questions was important as well!” Bobby Hunt MSN, RN, FNP

Gold Tier
Platinum Tier
This tier is targeted to RN candidates who:
are looking for an individualized, evidence-based study plan, test-taking strategies, mindset strategies, and an accountability coach.
desire 1:1, hands-on, weekly coaching calls to receive support while working on: test and mindset strategies as well as content that’s confusing.
You’ve scored at or above the national average on your standardized nursing exams.
You’re sitting for the NCLEX for the 1st time.
Your investment to pass the NCLEX: $1197
This tier is targeted to RN candidates who:
are looking for an individualized, evidence-based study plan, test-taking strategies, mindset strategies, and an accountability coach.
desire 1:1, hands-on, weekly coaching calls to receive support while working on: test and mindset strategies as well as content that’s confusing.
You have scored below the national average on your standardized nursing exams.
You’re sitting for the NCLEX for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th time. (No judgment here! This tier is designed for you and your coach to spend more one on one time together so that you get what you need!)
Your investment to pass the NCLEX STARTS at $1497
* Determining criteria for price:
* Nursing GPA
* Graduation date
* Need for more time
According to NCSBN, 2020’s national average pass rates for first-time candidates: 83.8%
NCLEX Success Coaching Program™ pass rates for first-time candidates: 100%
According to NCSBN, 2020’s national average pass rate for first-time repeat candidates = 37.7% + the pass rate decreases with each subsequent attempt.
Average NCLEX Success Coaching Program™ pass rates for all repeat candidates = 90%
"The price was scary to me but it was worth it, because in the end you have someone always looking out for you.
I signed up for this program because I wanted a person who looks out for my best interest. I needed a coach. I am very happy that I made this decision. At the beginning of the program I was changing my answers, I wasn't confident in myself or in my ability, however this program helped me gain my confidence in answering questions.
The program works! I passed in 75 question on the first try"
~ Farduwsa Hassan ADN, RN
Meet Your Coach for the NCLEX Success Coaching Program™

Dr. Kelly Beischel PhD, RN, CAPP, APCC, owner and founder of Dr. B. Presents and the NCLEX Success Coaching Program™, is a magic maker for high-achieving professionals seeking to achieve success without the frazzle that comes with burnout. She is an expert in equipping people with strategies to thrive in mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
She’s coached hundreds of students and clients on both NCLEX test-taking skills and mindset strategies. She earned her doctorate in nursing education, researching the effect of anxiety on learning and studying best practices in teaching and learning. Dr. B. is also a certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner and Coach as well as an Executive Coach.
She is passionate about the work she does with high-achieving professionals, helping them build their comeback muscle, confidence, competence, and commitment to take action. Her friends have nicknamed her “firecracker”.
She’d love to be a firecracker in your corner.
To talk about 1:1 NCLEX coaching with Dr. B. click here:
“I took Kaplan, Uworld, and multiple other courses before working with Dr. B, but the one on one interaction you have in this program is indescribable. The way I approached questions began to change, and I saw a huge transformation.
I would recommend Dr. B.’s NCLEX Success Coaching Program to any graduate nurse. They will not be disappointed.”
~ Suzanne Norton BSN, RN

If you begin and don’t think it’s for you, no worries. Simply let us know within a week of joining and we’ll refund your money. Easy as that.

Why listen to us when you can hear it from Dr. B.’s former students and clients?

I came to Dr. B feeling like I would never pass the NCLEX. I always struggled with various time management when taking any test, I struggled to apply concepts at the application level (which the NCLEX tests are), and I struggled to have confidence that one day I could pass the NCLEX exam. She taught me from that day forward how to answer NCLEX style questions and the power of a positive mindset.
Dr. B is exceptional and someone who I would trust wholeheartedly to help pass the NCLEX.
I was able to pass the NCLEX, the first time and in 30 minutes. Dr. B guided me all the way during nursing school, the beginning of my nursing career and still remains a powerful inspiration and support for me today!!
~ Adam Marotta BSN, RN
“Dr. B truly is the most supportive teacher I have ever had. With her in your corner, you can feel confident knowing you have all the materials and the encouragement you need to pass the NCLEX. She goes above and beyond for her students and she takes the time to individualize her teaching plans based on your needs.
Her ever apparent zest for nursing inspired me to get excited about my future and her NCLEX prep materials gave me everything I needed to pass the test and start my career. Any nursing student would be lucky to work with her!”
~ Joanne Frazel BSN, RN
Dr. B was the first person who empowered me to believe that I not only would pass the NCLEX but that I could pass it on the first try! Her positivity and support helped me to feel prepared for the NCLEX and also gave me the confidence to take the test knowing I was capable of passing it.
Without working with Dr. B I would have entered the test nervous and unsure of my ability to pass. Thank you Dr. B for your help!
~ Kate Donahue BSN, RN

I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks so much for all the amazing help with preparing for my NCLEX. Passed on the first try! Your support, knowledge, and expertise on the questions and study techniques were vital to my success.
Thanks again for everything, Dr. B!
~ Kate Wurtenberger BSN, RN
Spend one class with Dr. Beischel and it will be clear that she’s about more than just knowing what the textbook says. She truly believes in teaching understanding and how that relates to practice. Her positive thinking could get me refocused even on the toughest of days and she would always spend the extra time to make sure I walked away confident in my knowledge and myself.
I have no doubt her targeted teaching style played a huge role in me passing the NCLEX.
Thanks, Dr. B!
~Angela Fraiz Campos MSN, RN, CNL, CSPI, CPST
The NCLEX was so intimidating at first, but Dr. B. was able to help me break it down and strategize. She is so encouraging and supportive! Dr. Beischel was always there supporting and encouraging me along the way! With her help, I really felt confident in my knowledge and understanding of the questions and how I could succeed.
Thanks Dr. B.!
~ Lauren Boxell MSN, RN

I feel incredibly lucky to have had you as a professor. I truly look to you as an inspiration and hope you know the incredible impact you have had on me.
Dr. B has always been incredibly supportive of me. No matter what the problem I always felt that I could come to her. She taught me how to work through a scenario and deduct the right answer. During the NCLEX and in life I have used the skills she taught me. I will always be grateful. With gratitude.
~ Katherine Kelty BSN, RN
Dr. B is one of the most sincere and genuine professors I have ever met. We connected almost immediately and throughout my 4 years of undergrad, she was one of my biggest supporters and one of my best coaches. I did not pass nclex on the first try (to no ones fault but my own), and she was one of the first people I spoke with. She was nothing but encouraging and assured me that it was only a minor bump in the road.
I passed the second time (as she said I would) and have now been a NICU nurse for 4 years. I would not be where I am in my profession without her!
Not only was she an amazing coach, but now that I am no longer a student, I can call her my friend.
~ Erin Ross Bevis BSN, RN
Dr. B. has worked wonders in my life. She will forever be one of my favorite professors/people/life coach/friend/confidante I have ever come across. Since very early on at Xavier, Dr. B connected with me & took it upon herself to take in interest in my learning. While I would like to consider myself one of the lucky few who got this honor, that simply would be a lie. This is what she did for every student she came across.
I passed the NCLEX on the first attempt. I made sure I followed the same advice that she gave me early on & I prepared ahead of time, relaxed the night before, got adequate sleep & TRUSTED MY GUT. Dr. B believed in me & my abilities when I truly didn’t even believe in myself.
~Emily Staresinic BSN, RN

Working with Dr. B. will help you gain confidence while mastering the skill that you will need to pass the NCLEX examination. Her dedication to teaching and mentoring new nurses is exceptional. Anyone can teach, but she is an Educator, giving you the skill and critical thinking tools to master the situations that you face daily as a new nurse. She uses her skills and knowledge to pursue personal excellence, using it to promote and instill the confidence needed to master any challenge you face.
Her one-on-one approach to student success is unparalleled in a field filled with quick fixes to just passing a test.
~Melanie Dube MSN, RN, CNL
Having a teacher who not only inspires you but undoubtedly believes in you is the key to a successful student teacher relationship and overall student success. Dr. B has the essentials to help any student succeed. She especially helped me overcome test anxiety with positive reinforcement and mindset strategy.
I was not only successful with the NCLEX due to her supportive teaching style, but have passed the Certified Pediatric Nursing Exam using the same techniques and material I learned as an undergrad student.
~ Kara Silagy Bendle BSN, RN
I would like to let you know that I am now officially a Registered Nurse in the State of Ohio!!! I took the NCLEX towards the end of July, and I passed after answering 75 questions.
Knowing that I am not the strongest and most successful standardized test-taker, I honestly believe I could not have done this without your help and guidance.
~ Anne Marie DiGioia BSN, RN

Dr. B. truly cares about her students’ well-being and success. Her teaching method challenges you to use critical thinking just as if you were taking the NCLEX. She understands what it takes to pass and is able to cater to each student’s individual needs. Dr. Beischel’s NCLEX prep philosophy helped me pass and I would recommend her program to any future nurse.
~ Andre Bezerra BSN, RN
The NCLEX Success Coaching Program gave me that one on one attention I needed and it helped change my mindset. This program helped change my mindset because a lot of times what would come out my mouth was “I can’t” or excuses to why I couldn’t do it. Dr. B. helped me retrain my mind to think “I can” and to hold me accountable for my actions. This program is different than others because it gives you that one on one tutoring that you couldn’t get from other programs like Mark Klimek. I have recommended this program to friends and will continue to do so with other nursing students who may be struggling.
~ Brandi Oliver BSN, RN
Thank you, Dr. B, for instilling confidence in me to tackle the NCLEX head on, providing me with study strategies that actually work and for helping me utilize my time more wisely! You helped me pass the NCLEX the FIRST time.
~Meg Fogarty BSN, RN
We would LOVE to work with you in the
NCLEX Success Coaching Program IF you are:
a nursing graduate from an accredited program
serious about wanting to pass the NCLEX.
willing to put in the work.
looking for a coach who has your back.
let’s work together and get it done!
To talk about 1:1 NCLEX coaching with Dr. B. click here:

“If you are looking for a coach, supporter, encourager or just someone to help guide you through, look no more!”
Erin Bevis BSN, RN

At the end of this program, you’ll be ready to pass the NCLEX.
Are you IN?
What questions do you have about the program?
To talk about 1:1 NCLEX coaching with Dr. B. click here:
She’d love to talk with you.