by Kelly Beischel PhD, RN, CNE

We all need a “Why.” A Purpose. A compelling reason to get out of bed each morning. I’ve written before about “My Why,” about why I teach nursing. I now have an additional “Why.” An additional purpose.

And YOU’VE given me that purpose.

I’m honored to have connected with so many of you this past week as we discussed your needs as faculty members. These talks were the catalyst to my additional WHY.

What spurred this reaction?

Simply put, I think you’re amazing! Your willingness to be open and vulnerable about your limitations and your desires is nothing short of courageous. Brene Brown speaks of this in her book, Daring Greatly. A must read!

Your needs, as dedicated faculty striving to improve your students’ learning outcomes, propels me out of bed in the morning – excited about the innumerable ways I can and want to serve you.

Go you! Teaching is a vocation. And you’ve stepped up. You’ve said yes to this vocation. You’ve said yes to serving the world. I’m compelled to help.

My Expanded Why

Do you know what I learned this week while talking with you? Why I expanded MY WHY to include serving you? Let me tell you.

  • You care about your students’ learning at the deepest level. Good for you. Your students are worth it.
  • Your aspiration to improve is relentless. When your teaching is good you’re not satisfied. You’re determined to make it better.
  • Focus is not always your strong suit. New strategies. New books. New courses. New …. While your desire to try new things can quickly spiral into overwhelm, it’s what makes you uniquely you. You know what I say about that? What’s so great about the same old, same old anyway. There are ways to deal with the overwhelm.
  • You’re striving to be competent in an effort to gain confidence. Hats off to you! You jumped into the arena before you felt ready. Some folks never jump in. They miss out on fulfilling their dreams. But not you!
  • Creativity drives your teaching. You want to move away from lecturing and move toward active learning. Amen!! We KNOW this is best practice. And you know what? We are a good fit. Nothing stirs my soul like creating and then teaching using active teaching strategies. How can I help but love you??

I want to thank you for trusting me with your doubts, fears, and desires.

Thank you for giving me another compelling WHY. Together we can make a difference. Together we can change the world, one student at a time.

Reply below. What’s your WHY? What gets you out of bed in the morning? We really want to hear!