by Kelly Beischel PhD, RN, CNE
Many of us are ramping up to finish the semester so we can ramp down for the summer.
Yes, I say that with tongue in cheek. I know some of you will be teaching summer courses. And others will be attending conferences, conducting research, writing manuscripts and planning courses. Whew!
I know your dedication to your students is endless; it knows no bounds. Giving your all until the end is important to you.
But caring for your happiness is important too.
Positive psychology and neuroscience tell us that our happiness is a precursor to being healthy and performing better. So essentially, being happy is good for you and your students.
Try one of these suggestions for a happy finish and see if it boosts your end of the year performance.
1. Plan for fun.
I don’t know about you but my work bleeds into all that I do if I let it. Being intentional about planning for fun, actually writing it into my calendar has made all the difference.
Planning for fun can be anywhere from planning a summer vacation to planning a happy hour with friends. It need not be expensive nor lengthy. The key is to write it in your calendar.
2. Connect with students.
Students have more to share than what they learned in the readings. Ask them about their fun summer plans; discuss yours. The more consciously we connect with our students the more fun we have. It’s a win-win for sure.
3. Take a break.
I’ve heard faculty emote “I can’t take a break. I have too much to grade, read, write, plan (the list goes on…) I won’t get it all done.” (I may have even said this myself:)) But, failing to take breaks drains our energy.
You see, we’re much like a bank account – if we don’t deposit energy into our bank accounts, we have nothing to withdraw. Our efficiency deteriorates when we’re overdrawn, exhausted from grading, reading, writing, and planning.
You can see where this is is headed, right? It takes more time to complete our “to do’s” which then becomes a vicious cycle. We expend more energy this way than if we first cared for ourselves.
The break doesn’t need to be long.
Short bursts of exercise can do wonders for our happiness. Take a walk around campus. Eat outside, away from your computer and phone. Better yet, take a break from all screens for set periods of time. Here’s a sign for your door to alert others that you’re taking a break.
4. “Just Say No”
In the early 80’s Nancy Reagan visited an elementary school where a child asked her what she should do if she was offered drugs, Mrs. Reagan told her, “Just say no.” From this, the Just Say No campaign against drugs was born.
Mrs. Reagan once said about the campaign, “If you can save just one child, it’s worth it.” Well, I’d like to offer this: If we can save just one faculty member from being dismal and weighted down, it’s worth it.
For one week, ‘Just Say No’ to anything attempting to thwart your planned fun or break. It’ll be liberating. I promise.
5. Be silly.
I remember reading about taking time to be silly in Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project and thinking – Holy Crap – I too have become so distracted by all my to do’s as a faculty member that I’ve become more humorless than I used to be.
When was the last time I acted silly or laughed at someone’s silliness? When was the last time I felt the sheer pleasure that comes from being silly? Taking life too seriously is a drag.
Look for times to be silly or laugh at someone’s silliness. Be intentional. Really search for it. See what happens.
6. Smile.
Research studies demonstrate that the mere act of smiling during stress produces both physiological and psychological benefits. Smiling boosts our immune system, creates a positive, contagion effect, and relieves stress.
When don’t these things improve happiness? The funny thing? You don’t even need to mean it. Turn up the corners of your mouth and you reap the benefits!
How cool is that?
What tips can you offer faculty who want to finish the semester with their happy intact?
We can all use suggestions. Share your thoughts with us here.
Teresa says
Hi Kelly, I loved all your tips. I tried to single out one or two for comment & they all fell into my 'love-it' basket. For its simplicity, I love the 'Just say No'. So easy! The reminder about 'Be silly' was timely. Be intentionally silly - it has the other 5 tips covered. Thank you, I enjoyed your writing.
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks Teresa. I often find the Just Say No easier said than done. I work each day on this. Thanks for coming by:) Here's to your happiness.
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Jill says
I love this list! When I saw the title, I thought of what I do to cheer myself up when the stress overwhelms me...then immediately thought, "No, I can't share that...I'm too old to be doing that!" Imagine a little sigh when I read tip #5- Be Silly! When I am just "done", I watch "Glee" and dance around the house!! It cheers me up, and I get a serious endorphin rush. If I really need to recharge, I plan a pedicure and to get my hair washed and styled. It forces me to relax in one place and not DO anything. My biggest tip would be to pay attention to the things that seem to light you up, regardless of what other people say...those will be the things that help you "recharge" your happiness and outlook. My sister goes for a hike when she needs to recharge, and even though mountain hikes and nature take my breath away, they do not have the same effect on me. I have figured out my go-to formula. :)
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Kelly Beischel says
Ha Ha I'm intrigued Jill. I love to dance too. You can often find me dancing to my own music. Thanks for your suggestions. I'll put making a mani pedi appt on my list of calls to make. Cheers to your happiness.
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Jennifer says
I agree with many of these suggestions and I think at this time of the year we feel so overwhelmed that taking that break you NEED to come back at things refreshed seems like something you just can't do…. BUT, you will come back with some firing brain cells and renewed energy to increase your productivity as well. I find myself messing about and wasting time some days but if I had exciting things planned for ME, I would focus and get stuff done so I could enjoy the down time.
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Kelly Beischel says
Amen Jennifer. Planning my fun makes me more focused and productive. Otherwise, my work just bleeds all over the place. It seems counter intuitive to take a break when overwhelm is beckoning but the power of a break is amazing. Thanks for coming by. Here's to keeping our happy intact with fun ME time.
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Melissa Cohen says
I am Queen of the one-song dance party. I blast one of my favorite songs and dance until I'm out of breath. Works every time.
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Kelly Beischel says
Great picture Melissa. I too LOVE music and dancing. Just ask my students:) Playing music at the beginning of class is one of my favorite ways to get my students and I pumped for class. Thanks for the smile you brought me.
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Mary Sue says
I'm not teaching anymore but I remember the stress of the end of the school year! I'll be glad to pass these suggestions on to my buddies still in the classroom.
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Kelly Beischel says
Yes, there is a lot of stress! Thanks Mary Sue.
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Nina says
Hi Kelly!
And thanks for reminding me to smile. I used to have a note on my board as a reminder, but you have reminded me that not only did the post it note go away but my smile too. Today I will pay attention to the corners of my lips:)
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Kelly Beischel says
Nina, I love that you wrote a note as a reminder. Good stuff! Here's to smiles everywhere.
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Susanna Grace says
Hi Kelly
This was just the reminder I needed, especially the tip about energy being like a bank account - we need to make deposits as well as withdrawals. I just took a much needed break in Ireland and was initially stumped by the lack of internet connection, worries about the tsunami of mails awaiting my return etc. During that enforced detox I actually felt my brain go from feeling like a battery hen to a happy, free range bird and my creativity and productivity went off the chart on my return! We need to practise, teach, promote and model these good behaviours, for all our sakes! Thanks for leading from the front.
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Kelly Beischel says
Susanna, we teach what we most need to learn, right? I need a detox from the Internet as well. Will get to work on that. Here's to free range bird productivity! :)
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Darryl Stewart says
I resonate with planning for fun activities. We are so overwhelmed with responsibilities and distractions that it is nice to put the phone away, computer down and really take the time for "down time". I find I much more clear of mind and body when I take those breaks from being "on" all the time. It wears you down. When I smile more, people smile back and that makes me feel great. I love this one :)
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks Darryl. I agree. I panic when I go out and forget my phone at home but the panic turns into bliss after a short while. I find I engage more. Feel the smile I'm sending your way.
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Corinne says
Nice list of helpful ideas! Not an official educator, but then again, we all are. Will I see you in Atlanta? UYB-er.
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Kelly Beischel says
Corinne, thanks. Yes I am Atlanta bound. Can't wait. Yay!
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Elayne Koenigsberg says
This just makes me want to run out and have some fun, schedule a vacation...and that just makes me smile...thank you for the reminder...Your made me realized hammock time is important!!!
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Kelly Beischel says
Elayne, I'm glad I made you smile. Here's to hammock time!
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Kathleen says
Great blog post. I love the tip about scheduling fun in my calendar. Sounds counter intuitive but sometimes we just need the reminder.
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks Kathleen. Sad but true, huh?
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Kelly says
Love this list
Especially appreciated the reminder to HAVE FUN
So important in life xo
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks Kelly. I agree having fun is important. Fun begets fun:)
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Wendy says
Loved everything on this list! My hubby and I used to each plan a surprise for us each month...something fun that the other would enjoy after work or on the weekend. We've got to get back to that...and I'm going to start planning a vacation for our 10th wedding anniversary this June.
Thanks for the reminder, Kelly!
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks. Glad you are planning for your fun, Wendy. Have a great time!
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Pamela says
Ooohhh. Great tips. And great book suggestion. I read it several years ago and often think of it to help me focus on one change/improvement/thing to focus on for the upcoming month.
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Kelly Beischel says
Thanks Pamela. Success is reachable when we only focus on one change at a time, right?
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Ruth Ann Doerger says
Hi Kelly,
I like # 2----connect with students. Students lift my spirits, help me to stay focused and remember the important things in life.
Actually as an aside, my grandchildren do too!!!
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