Manifesting MOJO Time Saving Tips, Tools, and Templates Bundle

Get Your Bundle Now!

Have you ever said something like:

  • It’s difficult to prioritize because everything is important.
  • I wear too many hats.
  • I am always working. When do I get a break?
  • I’m pulled in too many directions.
  • Some days I’d like to toss in the towel.
  • This job wears me out.

If you said yes to any of those statements, I’m not surprised!

While it can be a struggle to stay on top of all that’s required to be an effective educator, there is an easier way.

Using systems and structures.

There is no other way to get it all done.

Believe me. I’ve tried.


“Thank you for all the resources and messages.
You are keeping me inspired and enthusiastic about my teaching.”
~Angela (email I received after Angela purchased the Manifesting MOJO Bundle)

The systems and structures I’ve built into the bundle of Manifesting MOJO Not Mayhem: Time Saving Tips, Tools, and Templates can save you oodles of time.

And. I. Mean. Oodles.

How do I know?
Because I’ve used all of the tips, tools, and templates in this bundle. And have saved a lot of time!

Who doesn’t love to save time?

[tweetthis]Increased productivity = Increased time to spend doing what you love best = Increased MOJO #faculty #productivity ~Kelly Beischel[/tweetthis]

Here’s what the bundle includes:

You simply copy and paste the template into an email. Edit and send.
I’ve also included a secret strategy for using the templates that will rock your world. This one secret is worth the price of the entire bundle.

I designed this action pack to improve your productivity.
The pack includes keyboard shortcuts and links to the best media tools, case study sites, digital resources, free images, email tamers and more.

Copy and paste the template into a Word doc. Simply fill in the blanks and send the letter on its way.
Voila’. You now have time to have that coffee with a friend.

You choose how students can use it. Perhaps for a missed study guide or a late assignment?
Distribute this simple card at the beginning of the semester. You’ll feel the energy rise in the room. Student relief is palpable knowing that they have that one safety net.

Imagine having a complaint free classroom and students with positive mindsets.
You can, you know.
Use the complaint free student contract.
Students will love it! You know why? Because most students don’t want to be subjected to complainers and whiners any more than you do.
It’s a clear demonstration that you have their best interest at heart.


Get Your Bundle Now!


A FREE 30-minute coaching call with me.

We can talk about pretty much anything that’s holding you back from being the most inspiring leader you can be.
These are the types of issues professors ask for help on coaching calls.

  • Do you have difficulty with students coming to class unprepared?
  • Do you wish you had more innovative strategies?
  • Do you wish you could get more done with the limited time you have?
  • Is there someone who is bullying you in your department and you want some strategies to overcome it?
  • Are you sapped for energy?
  • Are you a coordinator of adjunct faculty and need strategies to become a team?
  • Are you having difficulty with connecting with your students?

A 1:1 call can put you back in the driver’s seat to being the inspiring leader you’re meant to be.

  • Do you want more time for the important things in life, like spending time with family and friends? Relaxing? Sleeping?
  • Do you want a whine-free classroom?
  • Do you want an easier life?
  • Do you want your students to be more engaged in the classroom?
  • You can have all of this and more with the systems and structures I’ve built into the Manifesting MOJO Not Mayhem: Time Saving Tips, Tools, and Templates Bundle.

What are they saying about the bundle?
“I received all the packets of the Manifesting MOJO. It is great!
I am so glad that you offered these items, especially for beginner educators like me.
Thanks again.” ~Laura

“This is too brilliant for words. Just incredible.
Thanks!!! This really is fabulous.” ~Meggin

“This is so pretty! This packet so appealing. I read through all the templates. I am overwhelmed with the love and compassion with which you treat your students. You are a model of what a teacher and nurse should be and the number of students you will touch by providing these emails to their teachers is incredible. Keep up the hard work! You are making a difference in the lives of so many teachers and students.” ~Beth